Cambridge Enterprise
Cambridge Enterprise- for iværksættere
Eleverne arbejder på at omdanne kreative idéer og skaberkraft til en reel forretning.
Der undervises i lederskab, fordeling af arbejdsopgaver, problemløsning, en kreativ proces og andre emner, som relaterer sig til innovation og entreprenørskab.
- Understand what it means to be enterprising, and the skills required to be enterprising.
- Develop the ability to work in an enterprising and independent way.
- Develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary enterprise issues in a range of local, national and global contexts.
- Appreciate the roles and perspectives of a range of other people and organisations involved in enterprise and the importance of ethical considerations.
- Investigate the world of work and entrepreneurial organisations.
- Develop the ability to communicate effectively, in a variety of situations, using a range of appropriate
techniques. - Make effective use of relevant terms, concepts and methods when discussing enterprise and enterprising behaviour.
Projekter, teori og en portfolio
1) Den skriftlige eksamen i maj/juni. Eksamensbesvarelsen vægter 50% af den samlede karakter.
2) Portfolioen, som udarbejdes i løbet af skoleåret vægter ligeledes 50% af den samlede karakter.